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Alexandro Rodríguez (Caracas, 1952) studied classical guitar with Manuel Enrique Pérez Díaz, in Caracas, Regino Sainz de la Maza in Madrid. He began performing electric guitar in rock groups, recording several albums, and participating in national music festivals. At the same time he worked as a musician for well-known orchestras such as New Wave (Onda Nueva), conducted by Aldemaro Romero; Renny Show’s Orchestra on Venezuelan Television; and Radio Caracas TV’s Orchestra.

Between 1979 and 1982, Alex lived in New York City working as a composer, arranger, performer and orchestrator, in the jazz scene, with renowned orchestras led by Emilio Reyes, Ray Mantilla, Roy Roman, Mario Bauza, Daniel Ponce, Graciela, and Eddie Palmieri. During his sojourn in the United States, he enrolled in guitar, electric bass, arrangement, orchestration and composition courses. In 1982 Alex returned to Venezuela and, since then, has worked as a guitarist, bassist, arranger, record producer, director, teacher and composer.

From the mid-eighties, Alex devoted particular attention to composition, particularly, of works for classical guitar, with which he has won several national awards, including the Municipal Prize of Music from the City Hall of Caracas many times. His pieces of music consist of solo pieces for chamber ensembles, concerts for soloist and orchestra, including two Concertos for guitar and orchestra, as well as diverse orchestral works.

In 1987, Alex was the music producer, composer, arranger and director of “Jazz Gala Event Izcaragua Country Club.” Two years later, he was a founder of the “Symphonic Jazz Season” with the Venezuela Symphony Orchestra. During this time, his works “Rigguey” and “Transition” were premiered. In 1992, the Carabobo Symphony Orchestra premiered his “Concerto for Double Bass and Orchestra,” with the virtuoso soloist Luis Gomez Imbert, conducted by Joseph Calabrese. In 1994, he was the Music Coordinator of the event “Innovation in Concert Symphony” with Unisys co-producing a musical CD of the same name, which contains his work “Between Two Worlds, for Tenor Saxophone and Orchestra Midi.”

In 2000, he produced his CD “Universe.” After his experience with “Jazz Symphony,” Alex has premiered several works for orchestra. In 2002, Alex’s first Concerto for guitar and orchestra "Time Traveler," paid homage to the maestro Alirio Díaz and was performed by the Municipal Symphony Orchestra of Caracas, conducted by Marcos Carrillo and with Ruben Riera as a soloist. In 2003, he released his opus “Journey into Pluton” during the series of “Contemporary Music of the Americas,” presented by the Municipal Symphony Orchestra of Caracas. In 2004, Alex produced the first monographic album with his works for guitar, played by Venezuelan guitarists. A second recording of his works for guitar is planned by guitarist Rubén Riera including Alex’s series of quintets for guitar entitled “El Dorado.” In 2005, Classical Guitar Magazine published this artivle "I was pleased to hear the Danza from Aldebarán by Alex Rodríguez. I first heard this composer's works in the Bolivar Hall Guitar Festival of 2005 and was impressed with his ability to draw out a distintive, individual voice from the instrument" (Therése Wassily Saba). In 2009, he produced the recording of his work “The Fountain,” for chamber orchestra, chorus and rhythm section, commissioned by PDVSA La Estancia. In October 2011, the Venezuela Symphony Orchestra will give a performance of his second concerto for guitar and orchestra entitled "Katana."

In July of 2013 he settled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, where he continues his activity as composer, arranger, guitarist, bassist and teacher. In this same year writes a piece for Big Band titled "Allegheny River". In (2014-2015), he teaches guitar and electric bass at Hope Academy's East Liberty music school and also arranges for different ensembles of Hope Academy music director Michael Chapman. In 2015 he finishes his third concert for Guitar, Choir and Orchestra titled "Entre Ríos", in this same year he writes a string quartet entitled "Mirrors" and also arrangements and a composition for the Sound Impact quintet for his tour of concerts and Clinics to Costa Rica. Having received great acceptance, in 2016, this group commissioned a new work titled "Paisaje Venezolano" to include it in its repertoire. This year is born the group "Three Rivers Trio" where he is a composer, arranger and guitarist. In January 2017 concludes his concerto for Violin and Orchestra titled "Thru my Window". In 2018 he wrote the orchestral work entitled "Cries of Freedom" focused on the political, social and economic crisis that Venezuela is experiencing; and in homage to the fallen victims and political prisoners by the regime, during the protests for the basic rights of the Venezuelans. In this year he writes the solo guitar piece entitled "Brief Prelude" and also his work entitled  "Continental Suite" for Solo Guitar and Chamber Orchestra world premier in January 13, 2019 by The North/South Chamber Orchestra, Conductor, Max Lifchitz in New York City.

In 2020 release his new album for solo guitar entitled "So far and so close" playing his own compositions. In 2021 he writes a new concert for guitar and orchestra tittled "Monongahela Concert" dedicated to the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the Venezuelan aguinaldo for solo guitar tittled "Jesus travieso". In 2022 he writes the piece entittled "Vals a dos mundos" for solo guitar, he is currently recording a new project of his work entitled "Ciclo de quintetos El Dorado" for solo guitar and string quartet.

In February 2023, the world premier of his work "Live Images" in New York City, by the North/South Chamber Orchestra, coducted by maestro Max Lifchitz. In June of this year he changed his residence to Houston, Texas, where he continued recording the project "Ciclo de Quintetos El Dorado" with the participation of the string quartet "Latinus Quartet" of wich he is its resident composer, also this year, has been programmed as a composer in the XIX International Guitar Competition Alirio Díaz, Commemorative Edition 100 Years Since Its Birth.

Comments about the author

Alejandro Bruzual. 2011

The Guitar in Venezuela: A Historical Path from its Origins until Today
 Caracas: Central Bank of Venezuela

 Produced in 2004, "Venezuelan Guitarists InterpretsAlex Rodriguez” is an unique album with classical guitarists belonging to the fourth and fifth generation, performing Alex Rodriguez’s music. In many ways, the composer moves ahead as one of the leading guitarists-composers to manage the dissemination of his work through recordings. This album has been well received by the Venezuelan music scene and shows the range of Rodriguez’s musical interests and expressive palette. Now Alex Rodriguez is looking forward to new productions, in particular, the conclusion of his series of quintets for guitar and string quartet, entitled “El Dorado.” This unique project is absolutely innovative in the region’s guitar history.

Gendai Guitar Magazine (Japón)

Table "Guitar Instruction in Venezuela" by Alejandro Bruzual, in his article published in Gendai Guitar Magazine in its issue of April 2011. Alex appears in the fourth generation disciple of ME Pérez Díaz.



Gendai Guitar Magazine page that appears on Alex Rodriguez. Alejandro Bruzual article appeared in the April 2011.


Alexandro Rodríguez - Venezuela